
Have you ever started something and never completed it?  Ever have a kick ass idea and that kick ass idea never went farther than writing down on paper?  Or do you get started on a great project, come up with an idea for another one, start that project, come up with an even better idea that your “totally committed” too, and then drop that project as well?  Ha!  That’s me.  Photographer, living in Boulder, CO.  Thinknin’ up great ideas, thousands of half finished projects.  Or projects that are o so close to being done, but eh, I’ve got other things to do.  This is my attempt, once and for all, to start something and FINISH IT!  Here I go…Ahem…yes, right, here I go.

The challenge:  Take at least one photo per day that inspires me, moves me in some way.  (It must be a new picture – no cheating, Katie!)  Post that picture and write about.  Every day.  No matter the weather, how I’m feeling, if I’m in town, out-of-town, sick, whatever.  Every day.

I read once that the best camera is the one that’s with you.  I’ve been a photographer for almost 10 years.  I currently work in Marketing, but I am never without a camera.  It’s time I start using it!  Lately, I’ve noticed, that when I take pictures, I’ve got a little voice in my head saying, “How can I sell this?” “Where will I use this photo?”  “Has this been done before?”  “Am I a crap photographer?”  That little voice never shuts up!

This (self inflicted) challenge will force me to shut up that little voice and make photos with no hidden agendas.  No future use questions swimming around or judgement to cloud how, why or if I take the photo.  It doesn’t have to be perfect.  I dig myself into the ground with this concept of “perfect.”  No more!  I will make at least one photo each day that inspires me.  Simple.  Honest.

I have a goal to make a difference in the world.  My dream is to travel the world, make pictures and tell stories that ignite the soul, create a call to action, move you to tears, laugh out loud, change the world.  Naive?  Perhaps.  But this dream will always stay a dream, if I continue on the path of non-completion.  So, in a way, this challenge is me taking one step closer to my dream.  (I just realized that.  How ’bout that?!)

Join me as I walk the line between narcissism and self discovery.  It’ll be an adventure and I aim to have fun!  Good pictures or bad pictures.  The project will get complete!


  1. That’s hanging in my room…hehe 🙂 What a great idea! I look forward to seeing more!

  2. Love the blog! Very inspirational.

    May I suggest a slight change to the tagline:
    “My challenge to start something and *continue* it!”

    • Thank you for the suggestion. And I had to think about it for a couple days. For me, my issue has never really been continuing something. I’ve continued to be a photographer for 10 years. The element that is great about this challenge, is that it has a clear start and a clear end. I know that if I say that I will continue something I start, I almost let myself off the hook. And I con predict that this challenge would just become another great idea I had once. Keep pushing me to think though. I love it!

  3. Katie- I loved reading this! You have such talents- writing, creative photography and passion to inspire all who get to share in your 365 adventure-
    can’t wait to see what you post tomorrow….

  4. Kates,

    VERY COOL IDEA, question I was able to click on the great green gord shot, went back look at the first photo, wasn’t able to click it on. Is it only available on the day you shoot?
    Help me out, am I navigating properly?

    I love this, you are so powerful in this and your vision to complete, may you wake up tomorrow and be filled with courage and unstopability.


  5. I’ve been following this project and you are really doing an awesome job. Keep up the good work. You really have a talent for photography.

    • Wow, cool! Thanks for following the project. Only a few days left!!

  6. Wow Katie,

    You have been doing so well here with the photography posting, I am surprised and you have some superb shots here, I wasn’t sure if you would make it but now you are so close and I would really like to congratulate you on your efforts so far, only a few days to go.

    See you Dan

    • Hey Dan! Thanks for the comment! I know, I can’t believe I’ve stuck with it and I’m nearly finished. I got some great shots out of this. Thanks for the congratz and for tracking me down. 😉 Hope you’re well.

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